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Problem 49 Prime permutations

Problem 49: Prime permutations


The arithmetic sequence, 1487, 4817, 8147, in which each of the terms increases b[……]

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Problem 48 Self powers

Problem 48: Self powers


The series, 11 + 22 + 33 + … + 1010 = 10405071317.

Find the last ten digits of the ser[……]

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Problem 47 Distinct primes factors

Problem 47: Distinct primes factors


The first two consecutive numbers to have two distinct prime factors are:


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Problem 46 Goldbach’s other conjecture

Problem 46: Goldbach’s other conjecture


It was proposed by Christian Goldbach that every odd composite number ca[……]

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Problem 45 Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal

Problem 45: Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal


Triangle, pentagonal, and hexagonal numbers are generated by t[……]

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Problem 43 Sub-string divisibility

Problem 43: Sub-string divisibility


The number, 1406357289, is a 0 to 9 pandigital number because it is made up[……]

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Problem 42 Coded triangle numbers

Problem 42: Coded triangle numbers


The nth term of the sequence of triangle numbers is given by, tn = ½n(n+1); s[……]

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Problem 41 Pandigital prime

Problem 41: Pandigital prime


We shall say that an n-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits[……]

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Problem 40 Champernowne’s constant

Problem 40: Champernowne’s constant


An irrational decimal fraction is created by concatenating the positive inte[……]

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Problem 39 Integer right triangles

Problem 39: Integer right triangles


If p is the perimeter of a right angle triangle with integral length sides,[……]

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Problem 38 Pandigital multiples

Problem 38: Pandigital multiples


Take the number 192 and multiply it by each of 1, 2, and 3:

192 × 1 = 192
192 ×[……]

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Problem 37 Truncatable primes

Problem 37: Truncatable primes


The number 3797 has an interesting property. Being prime itself, it is possible t[……]

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Problem 36 Double-base palindromes

Problem 36: Double-base palindromes


The decimal number, 585 = 10010010012 (binary), is palindromic in both bases.


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Problem 35 Circular primes

Problem 35: Circular primes


The number, 197, is called a circular prime because all rotations of the digits: 197[……]

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Problem 34 Digit factorials

Problem 34: Digit factorials


145 is a curious number, as 1! + 4! + 5! = 1 + 24 + 120 = 145.

Find the sum of all[……]

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