marshal 、pickle、cPickle 比较

marshal 、pickle、cPickle 比较

Feb 20, 2014

本文内容适用于 python 2.x 版本



速度 #


  • dump:marshal最快,cPickle其次,pickle最慢。
  • load:cPickle最快,marshal其次,pickle最慢

综合来说,marshal和cPickle 在dump和load上各有优劣,不过相差不太明显。pickle模块落后较大。

Johan Dahlin在该问题的回答中给出了原因:cPickle对存储的数据进行了优化,而marshal没有。

cPickle has a smarter algorithm than marshal and is able to do tricks to reduce the space used by large objects. That means it’ll be slower to decode but faster to encode as the resulting output is smaller.marshal is simplistic and serializes the object straight as-is without doing any further analyze it. That also answers why the marshal loading is so inefficient, it simply has to do more work – as in reading more data from disk – to be able to do the same thing as cPickle.

marshal and cPickle are really different things in the end, you can’t really get both fast saving and fast loading since fast saving implies analyzing the data structures less which implies saving a lot of data to disk.

移植性 #


This is not a general “persistence” module.

it may change between Python versions (although it rarely does) 摘自官方文档


结论 #
