Problem 56 Powerful digit sum

Problem 56: Powerful digit sum

A googol (10100) is a massive number: one followed by one-hundred zeros; 100100 is almost unimaginably large: one followed by two-hundred zeros. Despite their size, the sum of the digits in each number is only 1.

Considering natural numbers of the form, ab, where a, b < 100, what is the maximum digital sum?


ab, 其中 a, b < 100,求所有数字的和最大的数,它的所有数字和。


方法1 使用字符串解决大数问题 [适用于C++]

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

// 123 => [1,2,3]
// n >= 0
std::vector<char> int2vector(int n)
    std::vector<char> digits;
    if(n == 0){
        return digits;

    while(n > 0){
        digits.push_back( n % 10 + '0' );
        n /= 10;

    std::reverse(digits.begin(), digits.end());

    return digits;

* a+b
* a >= 0
* b >= 0
* return a+b
std::vector<char> add(const std::vector<char>& a, const std::vector<char>& b)
    // 存放和(逆序)
    std::vector<char> sum;

    // 从低位到高位,依次相加
    int i = 0, j = 0, acc = 0; // acc 进位
    for(i = a.size()-1, j = b.size()-1; i >= 0 && j >= 0; i--, j --){
        int v = (int) (a[i] - '0') + (int) (b[j] - '0') + acc;
        acc = v / 10;
        sum.push_back( (char) ( (v % 10) + '0' ) );

    // a.size > b.size, b已经加完,a剩余
    for(; i >= 0; i--){
        int v = (int) (a[i] - '0') + acc;
        acc = v / 10;
        sum.push_back( (char) ( (v % 10) + '0' ) );

    // a.size < b.size, a已经加完,b剩余
    for(; j >= 0; j--){
        int v = (int) (b[j] - '0') + acc;
        acc = v / 10;
        sum.push_back( (char) ( (v % 10) + '0' ) );

    // 补上 acc
    if( acc > 0){
        sum.push_back( (char) ( acc + '0' ) );

    // 对sum进行逆序
    std::reverse(sum.begin(), sum.end());
    return sum;

* a*b
* a >= 0
* b 是 0~9 之间的整数
* return a*b
std::vector<char> mul(const std::vector<char>& a, int b)
    // 存放乘积
    std::vector<char> product;

    if(b == 0){
        return std::move(product);

    // 将乘法转换为加法
    for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++){ // product = a

    for(int i = 0; i < b-1; i ++){  //  累加 b-1 次 a
        product = add(product, a);

    return std::move(product);

* a*b
* a >= 0
* b >= 0
* return a*b
std::vector<char> mul(const std::vector<char>& a, const std::vector<char>& b)
    // 存放乘积
    std::vector<char> product;
    std::vector<char> a1;
    for(int i = 0; i< a.size(); i ++) a1.push_back(a[i]);

    // 将乘法转换为加法
    for(int i = b.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
        std::vector<char> p = mul(a1, (int)(b[i] - '0') );
        product = add(product, p);
        a1.push_back('0'); // a1 *= 10,因为b的位数每高一位,a1 要乘以 10

    return product;

int main()
    int max = 0;
    for(int a = 1; a <= 100; a++){

        std::vector<char> va = int2vector(a);
        std::vector<char> product = int2vector(a);

        for(int b = 1; b <= 100; b++){
            std::vector<char> tmp = mul(product, va);

            int sum = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < product.size(); i++){
                sum += product[i] - '0';

            if(sum > max){
                max = sum;

    printf("max:%d\n", max);
    return 0;

方法2 使用库函数解决大数问题 [适用于 Golang]

package main

import (

func sumOfDigits(a, b int) int {

    bigA := big.NewInt(int64(a))
    mul := big.NewInt(int64(a))
    for i := 1; i < b; i++ {
        mul.Mul(mul, bigA)

    sum := 0
    for _, s := range mul.String() {
        sum += int(s - 48)

    return sum

func main() {

    max := 0
    for a := 1; a <= 100; a++ {
        for b := 1; b <= 100; b++ {
            sum := sumOfDigits(a, b)
            if sum > max {
                max = sum


方法3 无需考虑大数问题,直接计算 [适用于 Python]

max = 0
for a in range(1,101):
    for b in range(1, 101):
        r = sum( [ int(n) for n in list(str(a**b))] )
        if r > max :
            print("find a larger: ", a,b,r)
            max = r


print( max([ sum( [ int(n) for n in list(str(a**b))] ) for a in range(1,101) for b in range(1, 101) ]))




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